Sunday, March 1, 2009

Doll Play

20th Feb 09

You are very affectionate towards your dolly. Every morning, right after you wake up, you will call out for her. You massage your dolly, dress and undress her, powder her, feed her milk, share your food with her and sometimes give her a bath (or rather just plunge her in the water, and dolly has to be out in the sun for a few days). Today, after you got up, there were different types of papers for you to explore with. You seemd to be having fun with the different textures and wanted to share this with dolly. Mama handed you your dolly.

"Mama, dolly cry. Wah-wah-wah". (You say it in the cutest way, with your furrowed eyebrows).

"Oh, oh, oh". Dolly hungry.

Looking for something to feed your dolly.

"Dolly, yummy yummy dudu".

"Burp". Mama dolly do burp.

"Okay dolly, time to sleep". You then hum a song to your dolly. (Dolly slept beside you and you went about your exploration).



Anonymous said...

Love the first picture of her. She looks so garang.

alvin chaand said...

She looks so much like u now :)
Ain't she the " tweetest" she cares so much for her dolly she'll definitely look out for her siblings!
Time for another one soon sonia! ;)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely cute ! beautiful photos, you have captured her expressions so well. Love.. 4 days to go, can't wait to get back home.

Anonymous said...

Love her expressions. Nushki's hair has grown so much longer now, looks very cute.
I miss her so much! Ash points to Nushki's picture and gives a wide smile and even laughs sometimes, I think she misses her too.